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Abandoned Tanks, Tunnels and Mains. URETEK is a group of specialist ground engineering contractors providing rapid, long-lasting solutions to problems of sinking and settling foundations, slabs and infrastructure. We improve and strengthen soils and infill using expanding geopolymers. URETEK offers foundation repair, structural support and subsidence remediation services. Interested in becoming a URETEK licenced contractor? .
URETEK on rühm geotehnilistele inseneritöödele spetsialiseerunud töövõtjaid, kes pakuvad kiireid ja kestvaid lahendusi vajuvatele vundamentidele, alusplaatidele ja taristule. Me parandame ja tugevdame pinnaseid ning täitematerjale, kasutades paisuvaid geopolümeere. URETEK pakub vundamentide remondi, konstruktsioonilise toe ja vajumise lahendamise teenuseid. URETEK Worldwide on juhtiv geopolümeeridega pinnaseparanduse töövõtja. Inglismaa Abingdoni sõjamemoriaali uuesti loodimine ja s.
Custos e tratamento de recalque. Engenharia de solos sem transtornos. URETEK é um grupo de empresas especializadas de engenharia de solos proporcionando soluções rápidas e duradouras para problemas de afundamento e recalque em fundações, lajes e infraestrutura. Nós melhoramos e reforçamos solos e aterros usando geopolímeros expansivos. Uretek tem como especialidade a rápida melhoria de solos e levantamento de placas de .
Sharing in Lifes Most Memorable Moments Since 1920. Start Shopping Now By Viewing Our Featured Collections.
Su área puede ser de un cm. Tan sólo ha pasado medio siglo desde el inicio de su desarrollo y ya se han vuelto ubicuos. De hecho, muchos académicos creen que la revolución digital impulsada por los circuitos integrados es una de los sucesos.
Infotainment, Entertainment, Safety all in one. Deva is the very definition of revolutionary, opening possibilities that were previously inconceivable. Limited only by the imagination, it is an ultra-nimble, technologically advanced multimedia device that is set to transform the way organizations communicate with peers and customers. Complete with three-way broadcast messaging, infotainment and safety capabilities, Deva integrates multiple communication solutions into a single, elegant form factor.